Throwback Hands: Cooler Bursts Year’s Biggest Bubble

Dan Smith and Rainer Kempe collide in a set under set encounter that is worth millions

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Over the last few months, “Throwback Hands” has captured and analyzed some of Poker After Dark’s best moments. Big names, big pots, big bluffs, and more have been featured, but it is time to turn our attention to the world’s biggest event. In the build up of the 2018 Super High Roller Bowl, Poker Central is throwing it back, with some of the Super High Roller Bowl’s most memorable hands. Dive in, play along, and relive all the action on PokerGO, before the 2018 Super High Roller Bowl begins on May 27. 

On the bubble of the $300,000 buy-in Super High Roller Bowl, there is going to be some tight and tactical play. There are also going to be some spots that are unavoidable and 2016’s set under set collision was one of those unavoidable spots.

Rainer Kempe and Dan Smith have two of the biggest stacks at the table and an even bigger pot develops when both player flop sets. Can Smith get away or is the year’s biggest bubble going to burst with a sick cooler?

Watch how this hand play out, then relive all the action from the 2016 Super High Roller Bowl with on-demand event replays on PokerGO.